http://www.oxis.com’ first products will include L-Ergothioneine (ERGO) as a key component. ERGO is a very powerful, multifaceted antioxidant.
Some of the potential benefits of ERGO include its ability to:
- Conserve and maintain the levels of other antioxidants such as Vitamin E, Vitamin C and glutathione;
- Increase respiration and the oxidation of fat (possibly contributing to increased energy and exercise capacity);
- Protect mitochondria from damage (this is important because potentially damaging reactive oxygen species are generated when oxygen is normally metabolized in mitochondria,
- Reduce the damaging effects of environmental ultraviolet radiation (likely to be important in protecting the eyes against cataract producing oxidative injury);
- Neutralize increased oxidative stress by providing an ROS (reactive oxygen species) and RNS (reactive nitrogen species) scavenging capacity, a property that protects key molecules in the body
Oxidative stress refers to the situations in which the body’s antioxidant and other defensive abilities to combat free radicals (a.k.a highly reactive species of oxygen and nitrogen) are overwhelmed and one’s normal healthy balance is either lost or severely compromised. We do not know whether it is among penny stocks.
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