Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Secure online storage

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of iSigned.com - Safe storage for your important documents. All opinions are 100% mine.
Most of us at one time or another soon discover what it is to have paperwork taking over the office. It is at this point when a decision needs to be made which determines how paperwork that needs to be kept will be stored and managed so that documents do not get lost.
iSigned - secure online storage for legal and other important documents can help you store, organise and share the important documents in your life (Contracts and records for education, cars, bank accounts, insurance, employment, travel, houses, appliances, healthcare, marriage, kids, etc.)
What do you have to do? You visit iSigned.com for a free trial. I followed the below mentioned steps:
You enter your e-mail address. Activation instructions are sent your e-mail account (For security reasons, you need to activate your account by following the instructions in the email that was sent to you).
Moreover, by entering your e-mail address (and signing up for a free trial) you stand a chance to win an iPad! After replying to the activation instructions e-mail you visit the page where all the account holder details are typed in: name, surname, phone number, Country, date of birth, highest education and password.
Right, now the account is active. To upload a document, right click on the folder where you want it to go and choose upload.
You can also use the right-click menu on folders to set permissions, share documents, etc. What you can do with a file will depend on who owns it and what permissions you have. I uploaded my resume under Employment folder and I shared it with executive search and selection companies. What I like is that the system asked me to enter an expiration date for the document so in case I forget a reminder will be set.
Remember, that when you invite your contacts to iSigned (or share a document with them) you stand a chance to win an awesome Apple iPad. You are all invited for a free trial!
Interesting, right?
Visit my sponsor: Review iSigned

Web 2.0

Internet has become a big source of communication and with the advent of technological innovations knowledge sharing became easier. It increased the reach of common man to a vast knowledge base just with the click of the mouse. Previously it was one way communication but with web 2.0 technology its two way communication. Web 2.0 helps in networking, finding solutions to problems, share our ideas and views by means of blog and help in selling better. We can put our ideas and get feedback's, this lets us know the strength of our idea and lets us know loop holes and make corrections before we try them on-field.
People benefit a lot by means of social networking and they get to know each other better. They can share their ideas and views and even comment on other view points. With web 2.0 they can share common problems and solutions. A new employee who is not familiar with the new technical environment adjusts and learns by going through the company's website where other employees have shared solutions. It has reduced costs incurred in sales by companies. All companies whether big or small spends a big chunk on sales. Now they can talk to their interested customers by means of video conferencing and show them their product. This reduces the cost incurred in traveling. When the client is interested in making a deal the sales representative can reach and close the deal. Customers can know about the product they are buying from the available feedback's.
Web 2.0 has definitely utilized all resources and has made all information available to the common mass. We can increase our reach and get heard. Communication flows faster reducing grapevine. The new learning environment improves productivity of employees there by improving performance of the company and creates a healthy work environment.

Friday, May 21, 2010

A very special contest

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of henderson bas. All opinions are 100% mine.
We all know the importance of the Mom in each and every household. And we all love our moms.
So there is no better way for celebrating the Year of the Mom than organizing a contest. Maple Leaf Prime™ organizes this contest and the prizes are very cool and interesting.
Please be aware of the fact that this contest is open to Canadian residents only.
What are the prizes? Well, you can win free housekeeping, free personal Chef services, free groceries and delivery and free laundry services. Moreover, you can instantly win one of five hundred  packages of Maple Leaf Prime™ chicken.
What do you have to do to enter the contest? Visit the website,  click on the Year of the Mom Contest button and enter PINs from specially marked packages of Maple Leaf Prime™ fresh chicken. This way by winning you could be spending less time taking care of chores, and more time enjoying quality time with your family.
More information about the contest: It concludes June 30th, 2010 and no purchase is necessary. Two (2) Grand Prizes will be awarded: each Grand Prize consists of a twenty-five thousand dollar ($25,000) CDN cheque issued to the Grand Prize winner.
We encourage all friends Canadians to participate in this contest today!
Isn’t it interesting?
Visit my sponsor: Year of the Mom

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Surveillance video

Il existe de nombreux types de systeme de securite, chacun pour une application differente. Quel est le meilleur choix pour votre maison peut dependre de ce qu'il est fait et ou il est situe.
Pour un proprietaire qui s'inquiete, systeme de surveillance video pourrait etre la reponse. Et il ya un site web specifique l'introduction d'une entreprise qui vend et installe des equipements de videosurveillance.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

College scolarships

If you hadn't noticed College Education is becoming very expensive causing a massive rise in the Student Loans industry. Often College grants and scholarships are the only way of getting financial assistance, unless the student or their family qualifies for student loans.
Grant and scholarship programs are advantageous over student loans as they do not need to be paid back. There are two kinds of scolarship programs, based on the inability of the family to pay for a college education or based on the students academic or sporting ability (easy scholarships).
So what are the Options?